How to rebuild lighting ue4
How to rebuild lighting ue4

how to rebuild lighting ue4

In the Unreal Engine, it means digging in to our robust lighting, reflection and post process settings. Even the best model rendered with poor shadow resolution and not taking advantage of the right post process settings will look poor. Often the difference between a good game and a great game can come down to light.

  • 4.7 Lighting Quality comparison, or Production > Preview.
  • 4.6 What is the “Lighting needs to be rebuilt” in the Top left corner error?.
  • 4.5 Why is there shadow splotches on my static mesh?, or How to clean those dirty lightmaps?.
  • 4.4 How to control Global Illumination with Static Lighting?, or The Wonderful Thing About Bounce.
  • 4.3 How do I generate lightmap UVs in the editor?.
  • 4.2 What is this “Overlapping UV error” non-sense when I build lighting?.
  • 4.1 Lightmap Resolution / Shadow Quality.
  • 3.2 Why does my Movable light shine through my mesh at far distances?.
  • 3.1.3 All Dynamic Lights (Light Tab Settings):.
  • 3.1.2 Adjusting Cascades for better Quality:.
  • 3.1.1 Directional Light ONLY: Cascaded Shadow Maps Settings:.
  • 3.1 Shadow bleed or Incorrect Shadow Quality.
  • 2.6 Why is there a red “X” over my light?.
  • 2.5 Why does this look nothing like it did before, or Engine Scalability and you.
  • 2.4 Two-Sided Lighting for Single Sided Meshes, or Why does my light come through the roof?.
  • how to rebuild lighting ue4

  • 2.3 What if I don’t want to have lightmaps at all or my game doesn’t need them.
  • 2.2 Invalid Lightmap Settings When Converting BSP to Static Mesh.

  • How to rebuild lighting ue4